MSA provides on-site health services on each campus. The health service offices are staffed by Licensed Practical Nurses and Registered Nurses, and there is a Licensed School Nurse who works between both the MSAD and MSAB campuses.
All students at MSA should have their own medical provider for primary care, as Health Services staff are not a substitute for this care. The Health Services staff provides consultation, observation, evaluation, treatments following physician-guided plans, first aid, medication administration and monitoring, health care procedures, health education and other school nursing functions by licenses nurses, available to all students without charge during health service coverage hours. The health services nurses work in collaboration with other service providers to assist in supporting the physical, mental, emotional, and social health of students and their success in the learning process.
Parents and students are encouraged to contact Health Services regarding any health concerns. If a student is returning to school following an illness or surgery, please stop by at the Health Services Office or contact us by phone or email to let us know the student's condition and provide any needed documentation. Any student who has surgery or a serious illness must have a physician's note and written authorization to return to school.
For more information on MSA health services, please refer to the Health and Nutrition Services section in the Parent-Student Handbook
Health Forms
2022 Third Party Billing Parent Letter
2022-2023 Special Diet Statement (USDA*)
2022-2023 Immunization Form (Minnesota Department of Health*)
Medication Request and Physician Authorization Form
*Note- Documents with the asterisk were all created by other parties. If you need accessible versions, please contact the agencies directly.