The MSAB transition program is designed to prepare students to make a smooth transition from the world of school to adulthood.
As required by federal and state law, the transition evaluation and planning process takes place during the students 9th grade year. Areas addressed are post-secondary education, employment, and independent living - which include recreation and leisure, community participation, and home living as appropriate. These transition services and activities are put together by the Individual Education Plan’s (IEP) team, to assist in making a student’s movement from school to post secondary schooling, employment and adult life a success. The student’s individual education plan changes to focus on both academic and functional skills in preparation for adulthood.
At MSAB, transition-related curriculum is built into classes. Some classes with transition curriculum are required for all high school students, while other classes are electives chosen to meet student needs. Areas covered include:
- Braille
- Visual Efficiency Skills
- Assistive Technology
- Blindness Awareness
- Careers
- Orientation and Mobility
- Personal Care and Home Living
- Money management, banking
- Cooking, shopping, nutrition
- Social Interaction Skills
- Self-advocacy, Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
- Job interviewing, job seeking and keeping
- Volunteerism and Participation in the Community
- Work Experience Program
- Planning Recreation and Leisure Activities
Transition Related
Special Activities and Programs
- College testing
- Post-secondary Enrollment Options (PSEO) at local colleges
- State Services for the Blind participation in transition planning for students as appropriate.
- Academy Plus Transition Program for students 18-21.
- Referral to appropriate outside agencies or service providers
After School Transition Related
Activities and programs
- Team sports (track, wrestling, goalball, cheerleading)
- Choir
- Drama
- Forensics
- Recreation and leisure program
- Semi-independent living program in dormitory