When so indicated in their Individual Education Plan (IEP), MSAB students are provided the opportunity to attend elementary school, middle school or high school mainstream classes in the Faribault School District. Needed adaptations and accommodations are made for each student by the District to include Braille materials. A liaison between the Academies and the Faribault School District coordinates mainstreaming issues for the students including transportation and class registration.
Post-Secondary Enrollment Options (PSEO)
All students must have a meeting with their High School Principal and Mainstream Coordinator before signing up for PSEO.
What is PSEO?
- The PSEO program is for highly motivated high school sophomores, juniors, and seniors to take courses at a postsecondary institution for high school and college credit.
- PSEO is offered at a large number of Minnesota public and private colleges.
- The program provides students with a greater variety of class offerings and challenging college level coursework.
- Tuition, fees, and required textbooks are at no cost to the students.
Who qualifies for PSEO?
- Sophomores with pre- approval
- Juniors in the top 33% of their class
- Seniors in the top 33% of their class
What Colleges can I attend?
- University of Minnesota and its branches
- All State Universities (MNSCU)
- Community colleges and Technical colleges
- Minnesota Private two or four year colleges
Minnesota State Academies partners with South Central College to provide on-site classes for our students.
What kind of courses can I take?
- When selecting courses, students should be attentive to fulfilling the subject areas required for high school graduation.
- Students may also choose any elective courses they desire
- Credits received at a post-secondary institutions are on the student’s record and count as courses completed at that institution and at Minnesota State Academies.
- If students withdraw from a course, they must let the post-secondary institution and the high school know immediately. PSEO students are subject to the same procedures and/or penalties as any other high school student when withdrawing from or failing a course.
Credit Conversion
- 4 College Credits =1 MSA High School Credit
- 3 College Credits = .05 MSA High School Credit
- 2 College Credits = .05 MSA High School Credit
Things to consider....
- Students may enroll in PSEO part-time or full-time
- Students are expected to be responsible and independent learners.
- Success in the PSEO program is not guaranteed because a student has been successful in high school.
- College level classes can provide a great opportunity for the right student, however, this can be a struggle for those who are not fully prepared for the rigorous coursework.
- Students must be on track for graduation at the State Academies.
- Students must be able to advocate for their educational needs and work with Disability Services at the college of choice.
- Student’s responsibility to arrange transportation/lodging during the days MSA is not in session and college classes are in session.
- Grades earned through the PSEO program are permanent on your college and high school transcripts.
- It is the student's responsibility to research how the PSEO credits will transfer between post-secondary institutions.